
There is growing interest in highly charged ions produced by the electron impact with atoms and molecules because of their relevance in astrophysics, plasma spectroscopy, radiation physics, fusion related studies etc. In case of ionization of a molecule, direct, dissociative, auto, multiple ionization modes etc. are responsible for the production of cations or various ion charged states. The semi-empirical theoretical model [1-2] to study the interaction of highly charged ions with molecules which employs the oscillator strength is presented here. By varying the energy of the projectiles from thresholds to several MeV, the partial ionization cross sections through direct and dissociation of the molecule is studied. The present calculation may be useful in calibration of the instruments used to measure the kinetic energy release distribution and the ionization cross sections of the atoms/ molecules. References: [1] R. Kumar and S.Pal, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 27 (2013) 223. [2] S.Pal, R. Kumar and R. Singh, J. Electr. Spectros. Relat. Phenom. 185 (2012) 625.